Focus on your work, not paperwork.

DriverVerified is a thoughtful platform for professionals involved with the commercial driving industry that simplifies how they interact with each other. Focus on real work, not paperwork.

Create a top-notch profile that includes vital details and documentation

DriverVerified allows professional drivers, owner operators, and companies to upload and retain your driving history and documents. You have complete control over your own information – should you change companies, you will always have full access to your own data.

Skip the shoebox

Rather than storing your documents in a filing cabinet – or even in a shoe box – with DriverVerified you can store your documents online and access them at any time.

Important documents and images

DriverVerified allows you to upload a variety of supporting documents, such as insurance policy liability slips, certifications, and government documentation, which you can then access anywhere you have an internet connection.

Review and update anytime

DriverVerified is designed to be mobile-friendly and accessible through any internet browser, as many of our users are on the road and only have smartphone access.

Powerful, time-saving reporting and collaboration tools that streamline your work

With DriverVerified you can send all your documentation directly to your company, and to your insurance broker. No need to arrange dropping off physical documents at an office – it can all be done electronically via DriverVerified.

How DriverVerified reporting helps you

For drivers

A driver can complete their profile and when their company requires the driver’s information, the driver grants permission. This ensures the driver always controls access to their data. The driver can also use the Report Centre to order a DriverVerified report themselves.

For owner-operators

Once an Owner/operator completes their profile, they can use the Report Centre to order a DriverVerified report that includes all information on their vehicle(s) and their employment experience. This can then be used if they’re applying for a new insurance policy, adding a new employee to an existing insurance policy, or updating their records.

For companies

A trucking company creates its own profile containing their fleet information, and can then purchase reports on behalf of their drivers, for example if they’re applying for a new insurance policy, adding a new employee to an existing insurance policy, or updating their records.

For insurance brokers

Insurance brokers can purchase reports on behalf of their clients, for example if their clients are renewing their existing policy, or applying for a new policy. This can expedite the document collection process, to get their client coverage as soon as possible.

Why DriverVerified reporting saves you time

Ready-to-go profiles

When you create an account on DriverVerified, our Profile Builder will guide you through the process of adding all relevant information to your account. Once you have input sufficient information, you have the ability to generate a DriverVerified report, or a free resume.

Assign tasks to report members to fine-tune your report

If a DriverVerified report is generated that has insufficient information, you can assign tasks to the report members to update the missing information in their profile, and then generate the report again up to 14 days post-purchase.

Reports for one or many

Whether you’re an owner/operator with a fleet of one, or a trucking company with a large fleet – our reports will include all drivers and vehicles that need to be included.

Set report requirements so report member(s) know what's needed

If a company generates a driver’s report that has insufficient information, through the DriverVerified platform the company can request the driver update their profile, and include specific instructions as to what information is required.

Vehicle operator resumes in a snap

Once you’ve created your DriverVerified profile, you can generate a free resume that you can print out, or forward electronically. No more creating one on the fly!

You're in control of your profile and data

With DriverVerified, users always have full control over the data in their own accounts.

More services coming!

DriverVerified is continually increasing the services that we provide, and we’re always interested in hearing feedback from our users.

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